Why Am I Always Tired?

Tired ManThat is a great question. Unfortunately, there is no one right answer. There are dozens of reasons why a person may be tired all the time.

Some have to do with lifestyle, others are medical and still others may be due to stress or emotional issues. Everyone has a unique lifestyle, quality of health, body type, and stress level.

Therefore, the reason why you are always tired is probably unique to you.

The purpose of this site is to give you some insight into the possible reasons why you are always feeling tired in order to help you better understand why you are constantly tired.

Once you have determined why you are always tired you can take steps to overcome this feeling.


Sleep related issues are always the prime suspect when you are suffering from chronic or severe fatigue. However, lack of sleep may not be the reason you’re tired.

Plenty of people get adequate sleep but are not able to slow down or manage stress during the day. Others do not relax or do not really know how to relax.

Stop Waking Up During the Night

SleepSleep is very important. If you are asking yourself, “Why am I so tired?” it’s quite possible that you are not getting enough sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep your body does not have a chance to feel any other way but tired.

Not getting enough quality sleep builds up a sort of “sleep debt” that leaves you feeling chronically tired. Determining how much sleep you need, your sleep cycles, and the best ways to get to sleep are unique to you but regardless of your individual situation, there are simple things you can do to help yourself stay asleep and stop waking throughout the night.

One of the biggest reasons people wake up in the night is because they have to go to the bathroom. No matter how urgently you need to go, you still are breaking your sleep cycle in order to relieve yourself. For most people, the reason for waking up is having too much to drink too late in the evening.

Hydration is very important and will help you feel less tired, but no matter how hydrated you are, if you wake up during the night to go to the bathroom, drinking all that water is contributing to making you tired rather than preventing it! The key is to make sure that you drink as much as you can earlier in the day.

Try not to drink anything after 8pm. If that does not work, slowly move that deadline earlier and earlier in the day until you find a time that allows you to drink enough water but stay asleep all night.

Another tip for sleeping through the night is to keep your bedroom cool, but not cold. When you are hot, it causes you to sweat. This will make you uncomfortable and will cause you to wake up. If you keep your bedroom cooler, but not cold, it will help you stay comfortable all night long.

Furthermore, you should use natural cotton sheets versus synthetic fabrics. Cotton sheets will breathe more, allowing you to stay cooler.
Sounds also tend to wake you up during the night. Although you grow accustomed to certain noises, they still prevent you from achieving a quality sleep.

One of the best solutions to this problem is to sleep with ear plugs in. However, if that is too uncomfortable, try a sound machine which emits “white” noise. This noise sounds like a radio that is not tuned to a station. The sound has an amazing ability to mask other sounds. Having this steady noise will help you achieve a deeper, more restful sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep in the first place, try to establish a relaxing routine just before bedtime. Listen to relaxing music, do some simple stretching exercise or spend a few minutes meditating. You can also try an herbal sleep aid such as valerian or chamomile to help you relax before bedtime.

Manage Stress during the Day

You may be thinking “I am always tired” when the really problem is “I am always under stress.” Stress can be caused by many things.

If you have a demanding job or work long hours or if the responsibilities of managing a home overwhelm you, the stress of these situations will cause you to feel very tired.

If you deal with difficult people every day, whether they are family members or co-workers, the emotional tool of these encounters will also be stressful and draining. Or the cause of your stress may be something temporary that is going on in your life, such as moving, starting a new job or dealing or the loss of a loved one. Even something good like planning a vacation can be stressful!

There are several effective ways to manage stress. First, if you pay attention to your general health and take care of your body, it will be easier to deal with stressful situations. You can also use specific exercises like yoga and meditation or deep breathing when you are going through something stressful.

In fact, remembering to breathe is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. It may seem simple, but the first thing many people do without even realizing it when they are under stress is to slow or even stop breathing. If you don’t take deep breaths, you deprive your body of energy-giving oxygen.

No matter how busy you think you are, take time – even five minutes – for yourself each day. Find a comfortable place where you can relax with a cup of herbal tea or do a short meditation exercise, and make this a regular routine.

Taking a mid-morning and mid-afternoon break can help you recharge so you can face the rest of your stressful day without feeling drained or overwhelmed.


If you’ve ever done any kind of exercise, you know that it can make you feel great. Of course, if you overdo it, exercise can actually contribute to your fatigue. But if you are always feeling tired, you may not be getting enough exercise. Exercise is important because it helps your blood flow and circulates oxygen through your body, and as mentioned, it is oxygen that gives you energy.

Many people who are constantly tired do not have a regular exercise routine. If this is the case for you, you may be thinking, “I’m too tired to exercise.” Or perhaps you think you are too busy to fit exercise into your day. Think again. Everyone has time to exercise. Even 20 minutes of moderate exercise per day can help to increase your energy level. If you think about it honestly, you probably waste more time than that on a daily basis dong something like flipping through TV channels, surfing the internet or gossiping on the phone.

Simple but energizing exercises include brisk walking, a few minutes of yoga sun salutations or even something as simple (and fun) as dancing in your living room to your favorite music! If you don’t believe in the power of exercise to energize you, try it just once the next time you feel drained. Take a brisk walk around the block and see if you don’t feel better, even for a short time. Now think how much better you will feel all day every day if you make exercise a part of your daily routine.


It makes sense that a healthy person has more energy than a person who suffers from any kind of illness. In fact, tiredness is a primary symptom of many medical conditions. If you are tired all the time and you have a generally healthy lifestyle, you may have an underlying medical condition that is causing your fatigue.

Here are five medical problems that may be the hidden cause of your fatigue. In addition to these, almost any kind of infection or illness can deplete your energy levels.

Sluggish Thyroid

Hypothyroidism, or “sluggish thyroid,” is a common problem, especially in women. Many people with low thyroid function are not even aware that they have the condition. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that control your metabolism. The more efficient your metabolism is, the higher your energy level will be. The most common sign that your thyroid is not functioning properly is fatigue.

Anyone who suffers from chronic fatigue that cannot be explained should have a blood test to determine if hypothyroidism is the culprit. Your doctor will test levels of two hormones, known as “T3” and “T4” to see if they are low. If a sluggish thyroid turns out to be the problem, the condition can easily be treated with hormone supplements.

Food Allergies

Fatigue can also be caused by allergies to certain ingredients commonly found in foods. If you have a food allergy, your body treats the ingredient as an invader and makes antibodies to fight it off, and all that “fighting” can be exhausting!

Common food allergies that cause fatigue include gluten (the protein in wheat products), dairy and soy allergies. If you suspect that you have a food allergy, try an elimination diet. First, keep a log of everything you eat. When you feel especially tired, notice what you ate 30 minutes to an hour earlier. If a pattern develops, eliminate that food from your diet completely and see if your energy improves.


Your blood carries oxygen throughout your body via hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that is rich in iron. If you have an iron deficiency, your blood will not be able to do its job and you will feel exhausted because of oxygen deprivation.

Many women suffer from iron deficiency anemia during the reproductive years. This is especially true for women who bleed heavily when they menstruate. But even if you are not a menstruating woman, you can develop anemia if your iron intake is inadequate. Anemia can also develop if you do not have enough folate or vitamin B12 in your diet.

Your doctor can do a blood test to see if you are anemic. If you are, you can usually correct the problem with iron or vitamin supplements. If supplements do not help, you may need to find out if you are losing blood for some reason.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which you actually stop breathing for a moment now and then throughout the night. When this happens, your body reacts by waking just enough to get you to breathing again. If you have sleep apnea, you are not getting adequate rest because your sleep is continually interrupted.

One sign that you may have sleep apnea is snoring. If your partner has complained that you snore, check with your doctor to see if sleep apnea is suspected, especially if you always feel tired despite thinking you are sleeping through the night. Sleep apnea is caused by an obstructed airway and is more common in people who are overweight.

Certain lifestyle changes, like losing weight or quitting smoking if you smoke can correct the problem of sleep apnea. There are also devices that can keep your airway open while you sleep. If you have sleep apnea, it is very important to treat it because left untreated, this condition may increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Undiagnosed Heart Disease

Fatigue is a hallmark sign of heart disease. If you are easily tired after activities that you used to be able to do with ease, such as walking up a flight of stairs, your heart may not be working up to par and may need to be evaluated for heart disease.

If your heart is not pumping blood efficiently, your tissues and organs are not getting enough oxygen. Heart disease causes fatigue in the same way that anemia and shallow breathing do. It leads to oxygen deprivation which exhausts the body.


The answer to the question, “Why am I always so tired?” may also be that you are constantly under some kind of stress. The stress may be obvious, such as job-related stress or the challenge of moving, but it can also be related to a mood disorder such as anxiety or depression.

If you are always tired, do an internal check of your emotions. Are you often sad or disinterested in things that used to be pleasurable? If so, your fatigue may be related to clinical depression. Do you often feel anxious or worried? Then you may have an energy-robbing anxiety disorder. Tiredness is a symptom of both conditions. The good news is that both are treatable through a variety of methods including lifestyle changes, counseling and, if necessary, medication. If you think you are depressed or anxious, talk to your doctor.


ChangeIt is often difficult to accept the need for change, and it can be even harder to actually make lasting changes. If you are already feeling exhausted, the idea of needing to change things in your life might seem completely overwhelming. This can be especially true when you are faced with making the lifestyle, health, diet, sleep, and other changes recommended throughout this site.

However, thing will not change if they stay the same! In other words, that feeling of “always tired, no energy” can only go away by making changes.

If you mind has been consumed with asking yourself why you always feel tired, then you are probably becoming more and more agitated. This agitation makes you prone to making desperate and often dramatic changes.

Unfortunately, dramatic changes usually don’t last and you will just be setting yourself up for failure. This failure may cause you to become depressed (or more depressed if depression is the cause of your fatigue), and you will begin to feel even more tired.

Instead of making dramatic changes, try taking smaller steps. If you are constantly tired, then there are probably several aspects of your life that should be changed. Instead of making all of these changes all at once, try addressing only one thing at a time.

If you are continuously asking yourself, “Why do I always feel so tired?” the first issue you should address is sleep. As you read above, there are many different facets to sleep that might need to be altered in order to eliminate your sleep debt.

The resources on this site will give you great guidance for making changes to your sleep habits in order to finally feel rested. However, even these changes should be made slowly in order to not increase your stress.

After you have addressed your sleep issues, you can begin to slowly improve your diet, amount of relaxation, exercise habits, and other aspects of your life that keep you always feeling tired.

Slowly, but surely, these small changes will begin having a profound effect on your body. Before you know it, you will be feeling more energized and youthful than you have in a long time.

Finding Your Unique Solution

It is time for you to stop saying, “I am always tired.” It is time for you to feel excited about life again. No matter how truly exhausted you are, you still have the power to overcome your condition.

Do not be overwhelmed, you can make yourself feel more alert, energized, and healthy.

The key is to learn more about the reasons behind your tiredness. As stated earlier, you are a unique person and that means the reasons for your tiredness are unique.

If you research tiredness while examining your circumstances, you will be able to find the answers you need. Not only will you determine the cause of your problem, you will discover your unique solution. You will be able to arm yourself with this information and permanently eradicate the feeling of tiredness.

End Tiredness ProgramThe purpose of this site and the tools provided here is to help you achieve this kind of comprehensive understanding of tiredness. One great resource on the site is the e-book End Tiredness Program.

This e-book discusses the factors which cause tiredness in great detail but in a way that is easy to understand and use. It will help you better understand which factors most affect your energy levels and determine your unique needs.

More importantly, End Tiredness Program will give you thorough instructions for the changes you need to make to overcome your fatigue. The program can be your essential guide to finally increasing your energy and feeling better than ever.

{ 214 comments… read them below or add one }

InTheBattle July 13, 2011 at 4:09 pm

I’m a 42 year old female and have been fighting low energy since I was 13. So, no it may not go away, and your responsibilities increase over time, so don’t ignore it.

I was tested for low calcium and iron during pregnancy, and have found that it is important to keep up the calcium supplementation for energy and attitude. However, the iron tests and thyroid tests have come back normal. I have gone gluten free and half organic, with l-o-t-s of supplements that I’ve researched via the internet. They help if I take them daily (not sure which are the biggies).

It is a rare day that I feel able to work around the house normally. My job was stressful, but now I am not working (thankfully we are still fine for now), so it’s not just job stress. I get depressed when I’m exhausted and can’t do anything, even after a full night’s sleep. The week or two before and the week of my cycle I have increased symptoms (sleep issues, migraine, irritability, crushing fatigue). I did not figure this out until a few years ago since I wasn’t tracking symptoms relative to my cycles and often felt better when my cycle started.

Since I haven’t seen these on the boards above, check out “bioidentical hormone therapy” it’s for women and men (testosterone, etc). I’m looking into trying a topical USP bioidentical 2% progesterone cream from a compounding pharmacy to start. There is also a possibility of T4/T3 imbalance. But I’m starting with the theory of estrogen dominance.

There were some other good suggestions for tests above and some treatments for candida, heavy metals, and thyroid cancer…but thought I’d throw these ideas out there into the mix for men and women to consider and it may be a hormone imbalance causing this.

By the way – expect that your doctor won’t be familiar with this. They may want to put you on synthetic/birth control hormones or HRT. Don’t do it – unless you research it a lot and feel comfortable with the risks!!! As for me, I have enough problems and won’t go back to these drugs. Also, I found that SSRI antidepressants only mask the problem and cause their own issues.

Please people, until you find the solution, you have to be your own doctor and educate yourself. Watch everything you eat and do and when it happens during the month. Track this and note anything that works for you (what you eat, drink, supplements, stressors). This will help you understand your own symptoms and help your doctor understand you.

Find a good doctor who will listen and work with you (I’m still working on this one) to find a solution – and then check EVERYTHING they tell you online before accepting that they are an authority and that you are comfortable with the risks of their recommendations. I found this out the hard way, people!

Best wishes and God bless. The LORD loves you and is with you always. Turn to Him and pray for His help and guidance in discovering whatever Your answer is, and for His strength to support you until your deliverance arrives!


ashley July 15, 2011 at 11:42 pm

im 15 nd the past couple days i have not been able to get enough sleep.. my mom thinks im doing drugs cause i sllep so much.. im not but i hate being tired it isnt right im still young this is supposed to happen like in your 20s 30s?? i have a bf my mom hates therfore im not allowed to date him but hes a good guy she got wron information about him abuncha bullshit.. tht could be my stress guys arent worth my sleep…. i go to bed at like 9 every night wake up at like 8 than sleep 1 to 3pm nd again at like 5 to 8 what is wrong with meee=(((((((((


paul andrew July 16, 2011 at 11:57 am

I get up in the morning at 8 oclock but feel tired about 11 oclock, i cannot get a job as i feel tired al the time, whenever i get invited out all i think about is how i can get home and sleep. It is doing my head in, i used too be full of energy :(


emy March 3, 2012 at 11:34 pm

I feel that same way is a terrible feeling I know exactly how you feel..


Laura July 17, 2011 at 1:03 am

I’m in highschool actually, and I’m constantly hearing myself say “I’m tired.” After I’ve had a solid 10 hours of sleep. I sleep like a rock, because I have to turn my alarm clock all the way up or I’ll sleep right through it. (I sometimes still sleep through it) During the school year, I go to bed at 9 and get up at 7:30, then leave for school at 7:35 because school starts at 8. If I try to get up at 7, I’m so tired that I’m always battling falling asleep in class.

My whole family has a history of thyroid problems, and the numbers from my thyroid tests are always on the edge, but still normal enough that I can’t get medication. I have all the classic symptoms of thyroid problems, but the blood tests say otherwise.

I also have many symptoms of anemia. I’ve always had very heavy cycles, and I don’t like any red meat, so I don’t eat much iron, so it would make sense. Especially since recently everytime I’m on my cycle I get really dizzy and sick and feel like I’m going to pass out.(Yes, I’ve been to the doctor) But again, all my blood tests come back perfectly.

We’ve also tried blood sugar tests, and tests for diabetes, and both are also perfect.

I did get mono a couple months ago, but this has been going on for over a year and a half. I was being homeschooled and was at home all day when it first started, so I really don’t think it’s stress. I was told that it’s just because I’m a teenager, which really stinks because I’m turning down activities with my friends because it would mean that I would get home at 10:30-11, and I would be too tired at school the next day. I drink plenty of water, but I’m not waking up to go to the bathroom. (I do every once in a while, but that’s every once in a great while) I have plenty of schedule, and I eat pretty darn well.

There’s my rant, I guess I’ll just put up with it. *sigh*


Kelly Rose October 18, 2011 at 11:54 am

OMG i am going through the exact same thing…… it sucks ): if you ever figure out what it is, let me know, please?


Colleen March 7, 2012 at 7:35 pm

The fact that your home all day for homeschooling may itself be the problem. Do you get any exercise?


Anne March 21, 2012 at 11:39 am

Collen, i don’t think it’s the home schooling thats a problem. i am going through something really similar to that, but i dont have anemia or thyriod problms.


Laura July 17, 2011 at 1:11 am

There was one week where I was at a friend’s house and we went to bed at 10 and got up at 6:30, and I had to go to the nurse everyday to take a nap in one of the beds, which means that I missed almost all of my class. So this is definitely a problem because I’m not paying attention in class, because I’m trying so hard not to fall asleep.


Laura July 17, 2011 at 1:19 am

Sorry, I keep remembering things. :P I’m very pale, and can’t seem to get any darker no matter what. I also have very dark bags underneath my eyes. My parents always joke that people must think that I’m never fed, but I am a very healthy bodyweight. (5’6″ and 125 lbs.)

One day, left alone to sleep, I went to bed at midnight and slept until 6:00 PM the next day then easily went back to bed at 10:00 that night and slept until 10:00 AM the next day.

As for working out, I am a dancer(sort of :P) and usually stick to getting my exercise from that because I never feel like doing anything else, but I do have quite a bit of fun dancing still.


Laura July 17, 2011 at 1:28 am

Alright, just one more, I promise!

I was diagnosed with anxiety and OCD(but not the traditional, “knocking on the door three times” thing) and put on medication.(Fluoxetine) I never had the symptoms at first after taking the meds, I was just happier and was able to fall asleep much quicker, as it used to take me over two hours to fall asleep because of a racing mind. My dad thought that the tiredness might be because of my medication though, so we tried upping the prescription from 20 mg to 30 mg, and we tried bringing it down to 10 mg. My doctor and I decided that I had come to a point in my life to where I can go off of it, so a little over a month ago I did just that. Other than having a couple panic attacks, I’ve had no problems… But my tiredness didn’t change.

It’s been about a year since I last got my thyroid checked, so I’m due for another check. Is it sad that I’m actually hoping that my levels are bad?

In my lifetime, I’ve been tested for quite the number of things, because when I was little I was losing weight from picking apart my food (part of my anxiety). So I’ve been tested for all sorts of allergies, and I’ve been tested for cancer and all that fun stuff.


Bri July 17, 2011 at 7:06 pm

Hi I’m 15 (there seem to be a lot of us on here) and lately I’ve been constantly tired. During the school year I’d get like 5 or 6 hours of sleep and be sort of tired during the day but I could still go without naps and exercised every day. If I would get 7 or 8 hours of sleep I would have limitless energy. Now it’s summer and I get like 10 hours in every night, but I always feel exhausted. I feel too tired to work out anymore; also I’m never hungry. Could I be suffering from depression or anxiety? Please help!!!


Tera July 25, 2011 at 6:21 pm

I’m a 45 yr old female. I’ll try to make a very long story as short as I can. I can identify with every one of you on some part or all of your comments. I too was extremely fatigued in my teens. I feel like I’ve only had energy spurts throughout my life. In 2000, I was dx with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Was told CMV is a cousin to Mono but can last 2-5 years where Mono is up to a year. Well, Never feeling I got over the CMV, I was DX with Multuple Sclerosis in 2006. There are so many auto-immune diseases out there with the same symptoms it’s takes time to pinpoint exactly what it is. CMV has to be specifically looked for in blood. It doesn’t just show up so request your Drs test for that. We all have CMV in our bodies but if it gets “haywired” that’s when the probs, start.
One very important thing I want to add!!!! I went to 7 drs over an 8 month span before the CMV DX. I felt frustrated, crazy, humiliated etc. as I m sure many of you have also. I’ve come to the decision, I/YOU are paying these DRs for a service!!! This is THEIR JOB!!! They work for you. I Hope that each of you continue to persist in your quest for a DX. If the DR you have gone to gives you a hard time, “you don’t have that pain” blah blah blah, HE”S NOT HEARING YOU. You know your body better than anyone!! Persevere until you find the correct DR. & DX. I still stuggle with fatigue. I take Provigil for that. Helps me stay awake but still feel tired. Good luck to you. If you would like to contact me Tera Brown-Metcalf on Facebook. Make sure to add a note like “always tired” or something so I will add you. God Bless ^_^


Jill March 18, 2012 at 12:49 am

Hi Tera! I did attempt to find you on Facebook but was unsuccessful, so I thought I would try and message you on here. I too suffer from chronic fatigue and I have successfully hid it from my friend and family for a long time now. I have went to several doctors on of them diagnosed me with Fibromigla….and of course wrote me a script …seems to me doctors just want to throw pills out you now a days instead of getting to the source of the fatigue.

I guess I am writing you to see what supplements you take on a daily basis and what helps you get through the day ….at this point I am working full time and as soon as I get home I usually take a 2 hour nap …. I hate not having energy!! I am 32 years old and in the prime of my life and I can’t really enjoy it! :( any suggestions would greatly help me!! Thanks in advance!! Jill


Eli July 26, 2011 at 5:01 am

Too much sleep is a bad thing.Try sleeping less than 8 hours a day,Remember a hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours of sleep and a half hour nap during the day is worth a hour of sleep before midnight. Look up sleep hygiene on goggle and change you sleeping habits. Also no caffeine or food or stress after 7 pm it will keep you processing while you should be sleeping . Hope this helps


Becca July 28, 2011 at 11:51 pm

Hi my name is Becky, and I am 27 years old with 2 girls. And I am always tired as well, I can sleep at night wake up around 11:30 and I have to push my self to get up at 11:30 to take care of my girls but even at that time I don’t want to get up because I am still so tired. I had to push my self today to take my girls to the park. I get so tired some times that I start to fill off balance, dizzy and some times I will fall and go in to convulsions, I’ve been to see Doctors they have done blood work checked out my heart done EKG on me and they find nothing I have been drinking water and taking B12 pills, Iron pills and multivitamin pill a day someone please help I cry at night because I’m getting so scared to even be alone with my girls because of this thing taking over my life I use to be full of energy and do everything with my girls now I’m so scared to even get into a car with them…


jim April 13, 2012 at 6:31 pm

Have you ever supplemented with Iodine . Women who have had multiple births are often depleted of this .


Shawn July 29, 2011 at 1:18 am

I’m 18 and the thought of waking up with energy ready to go in the mornings is a foreign concept to me these days. It would take me a few hours to get going, but only recently have I been beginning to feel totally exhausted all day. I start college in a couple of weeks, and I’m really worried that this will keep me from excelling in my studies. I don’t need this stress affecting me as I’m trying to enjoy the final days of my summer filled with responsibility. None of my friends or family can relate to my problem. Sure, they feel tired occasionally in the afternoon or evening, but none have experienced it the magnitude that I have. I just wish I were normal. I have several other physical problems too. I want to find a solution as to why I feel the way I do desperately, but the bright side (depending on how you look at it) is that I “just” may have hypothyroidism (a few of my relatives have this), but I do worry that I may possibly have sleep apnea, which I dread. I won’t know for sure until I go in to do testing before I start college, but I ask that you guys pray for me in finding a solution for this, and I’ll do the same for you. It’s relaxing to know I’m not alone, though.


Paul July 29, 2011 at 11:01 am

Im 18 thouth i weight only 52 kilos and im short around 1.60 height i do get to sleep atleast 8 hours a day and i always feel whithout energy


ben August 5, 2011 at 8:46 pm

I’m 15 years old and i am to feeling exhausted everyday, i have big dark circles under my eyes and i am constantly tired through out the day, tbh i dont get much exercise im not fat and i do eat a lot of junk food but i do need help!


Claraaa August 17, 2011 at 2:36 am

im 17, stilll at school and i cant explian how tired i am throughtout the day, it’s terrible. And it’s frustrating, im finding it hard to maintain concentration during class, I play sport and run throughout the week, work part time, I eat well, i have 9-10hrs of sleep most nights. I dont get sick at all, and my health is close to 100%…just apart from the fatigue (:
So if you have any ideas? Would be very thankful (:


TINA COOPER August 17, 2011 at 10:56 am

Im 32 have a healthy diet and lifestyle. I don’t do much actually exercise but I have a 3 year old so get plenty of exercise that way. I only work 2 days a week have an amazing relationship with my partner. my daughter is really well behaved in bed at 7pm sleeps till 7am. I am alway tired to the point of falling asleep at my desk at work, on the bus, anywhere I sit down or rest I can fall asleep. I gave no trouble sleeping at night and get good 8 hours. coffee doesn’t have any effect on me, I drink loads of water. it can’t be right to be this tired. I even have to try and stop my self falling asleep while in the shower?????? please help xx


Natalie September 2, 2011 at 8:11 pm

Hi. I have just recently miscarried about 2 weeks ago and for the past week i am waking up in the morning feeling sick and still very tired even after a good nights sleep! Im not having trouble sleeping at all but everyday i feel drained and i can look in a mirror and my eyes are red and i look like i havent slept in ages when i have and i even have naps in the afternoons now and i never used to can someone please help and tell whats up with me or at least give me some advice?!?!?! Please!! Thanks. xx


me September 6, 2011 at 10:26 pm

Hi, I am 21 years old back in the day i used to have alot of energy and now i always feel tired and i get mad for anything. I always feel like taking naps, and when i do take naps i still wake up tired and i shouldn’t feel that way. when i look at my eyes in the mirror they look tired, so can you please give me your opinion or any other advice?


Mary September 9, 2011 at 10:39 pm

Glad to know I’m not the only one with this issue! I am tired ALL the time. I can sleep all night long, take naps throughout the day, and I’m still tired. It gets to the point where my friends ask me to go out with them but all I want to do is lie down and take another nap so I make up stupid excuses about why I can’t go out! I’m tired just writing this ha.


Nunu September 12, 2011 at 10:38 pm

I’ve been feeling fatigued and tired since I was like 14 or 15. Now I’m 18 and in college. I don’t know for sure if I’m severely depressed and if that’s what’s causing fatigue, but I think so. I don’t feel motivated to do anything and just wanna stay home always. (I live near the university). Now that I’m in college, I’m constantly stressed out about financial issues and schoolwork. Because I’m so tired all the time, I don’t think I even look my age.


Danielle September 18, 2011 at 10:12 pm

I’m exhausted all the time. I’m 27 and the problem started about 6 months ago. No matter how much sleep I get, I feel like I need more and can barely drag myself out of bed in the morning. I always have dark circles under my eyes, a problem I’ve never had. I had more energy when my kids were small babies even though I only got about 5 hours of broken sleep a night, if that. I don’t understand why this is happening. I drink plenty of water, I have a relatively healthy diet most of the time, I’m not overweight, I work out 4 or 5 days a week, I do everything this article says to do to help fight fatigue, but it doesn’t seem to help. I do have the stress of going to school full time and raising 2 young kids, but it’s not excessive stress. After reading this article, I’m thinking I might possibly have a thyroid problem because nothing else fits.


Christine September 20, 2011 at 11:28 am

have anyone here have even try this program? How does it work for you? Would you recommend it? Thanks


chris h September 24, 2011 at 3:19 am

Just eat right, work out, take vitamins, etc. We all know what to do. You just have to have some will power and dedication.


BurningInTheSkies September 25, 2011 at 2:16 am

I have the same problem as all of you. And it only worsens. Ive researched countless times, and found no leads. Ive been tested for momo/slugish thyroid and they said i was clean and had a perfect thyroid. Im starting to wonder about the Sleep Apnea thing. Sleep studies are expensive, so i may never be able to treat it. This seems to be an epidemic across america. I just dont get it.


nick September 30, 2011 at 5:05 pm

I think they’ve nailed it for me. I don’t go to the gym anymore, I’m a bit overweight and I only get about 4 hours of sleep whilst dealing with sleep apnea, and having no work causes a lot of stress for me so I guess all in all I’m pretty screwed. I’m gonna fall asleep one day and have a heart attack.


Jenn October 1, 2011 at 12:45 am

I am 27 years old and I am having the same problem as all of you. Mine started at the age of 19, when I had my daughter. I am always tired and it has been a big cause of some of my problems with my significant other. I work third shift but I am in a different town every night leaving between 7:30 and 8 to start by 9pm. We work until we are done and then fight the morning traffic and have to stay awake to get my daughter to school. I sleep sometimes until it is time to get ready for work and just don’t understand why I am always so tired. My fiancee is tired of never seeing me and says that all I do is sleep, my daughter feels like I don’t love her because I never have the energy to do anything with her. If anyone could give me some advise on where I should start with this it would be appreciated. I have insurance but it is horrible, but all advice would be helpful. I need to save myself, and my relationship with my family before the damage is irreversible.


Camilo February 13, 2012 at 10:03 pm

I also work on night shifts. and in the day i just need to sleep.
The only thing that ive tried is to breath a lot. Like on purpose!!. Try it when you feel really tired. you can drink a glass of water and start breathing fasr and deeper… When i do that i start to feel more awaken after just five minutes.
Its kind of stressful at first cause you have to be conscious and not forget. so you have to keep concentrated in present time and do it !!
I don’t like medications or doctors that much, that is why when i heard that one cause of tiredness was that your body didn’t get enough oxygen I started pom pig oxygen into my blood stream, like a dog after a wild chase at the park. I hope that works for you best wishes.


Gabriel October 3, 2011 at 5:36 pm

I’m 18 and overweight, I wake up at night a lot, and I’ve been sick the past couple of days so I’ve been extra tired, but even b4 this I’ve always been too tired, I know its most likely cuz of my weight but I can’t find the time to exercise most of the time because of my fatigue…..I am very frustrated.


Faye October 4, 2011 at 11:18 am

I have been suffering with tiredness what seems like my whole life. I have been diagnosed with anemia several times but even when I take iron tablets and my anemia has ‘gone away’ I still feel over tired. I sleep from 12pm till 7am, come morning I don’t want to get out of bed, by about 9am I feel ok, but after getting my little boy to school and by the time I get home I usually fall back to sleep for about 2 hours. On the days that Im at work, I feel myself around dinner time becoming so tired I struggle to keep my eyes open, when I get home I put my boy to bed around 7pm, then I fall to sleep for about 2 hours. So as you can see I get plenty of sleep. Sometimes my whole body feels achy as if I might have flu symptoms coming but then it never progresses into an illness I just feel tired and drowsy. I eat healthy, I take iron tablets daily plus other vitamins and supplements. I am a healthy weight. I feel this affects my career and my social life. I am a professional model and no matter how great the work opportunity is I just don’t have the energy to do it. I feel like I’ve missed so many opportunities because I feel like this. I have my own business as well as modelling and at times I have not felt able to work for a week or two at a time and have lost contracts. Someone please help!


lisa helton October 5, 2011 at 7:21 pm

See, I’m falling asleep writing this.I’ve felt like this 4 a couple of weeks. I wish I new how not 2 feel like this.it is miserable.


nirmal October 11, 2011 at 8:03 am

hi,i am 21 years old back in the day i used to have a lot of energy and now i always feel tired and i sleep normally . my height is 6.2 i also suffering from back pain , i feel i am not in right diet give me some instruction for healthy food.my tiredness cause to not able to study well and long time like more than 1 hr ,if i start studying get tired and sleep well & i am unable to do small work also.


rayshawn October 11, 2011 at 11:50 pm

I am a 23 year old and i am also always tired and also unable to breath very well what should I do i went to the doctor and they just said I need more potassium and they gave me 2 pills and said i was fine. please some one help me. must add I am not too active because i am so tired and unable to breath when I walk.


Alexandria C. October 13, 2011 at 5:13 pm

I’m 19 and i always feel tired. Always!i go to school so i have to wake up around 6:30 put everyday so usually when i get to my last class i feel so very tired. after school i usually take a nap, i get home around 3, then i don’t end up waking up around 7pm and even after i wake up from that i eat and just fall back to sleep. I eat right most the time and i exercise usually twice a day, nothing big tho. I really need help, i don’t know what to do anymore. ;-;


andy October 16, 2011 at 9:32 pm

Hi. I’ve felt tired for over 3 years now and i am 14. exercise around 60 mins a day and have no health probs. It is really bugging me and it goes worse every so often. i have been to the doctor and had my blood tested. There is nothing wrong with me but some people think its because I’m really tall and its something to do with that. I’ve tried everything that people suggested and it has not made a difference. I’m concerned about this but it has not put me off any daily routine or anything. I’m quite worried.


Darlene October 18, 2011 at 11:44 pm

I’m 15 and always tired. I sleep at least 8 hours a night, which is the suggested amount. I eat well and exercise regularly, but I am always ready to sleep. School is a big stress to me as well as sports . I don’t no if that may effect it or not, if so, I don’t no how to help it.


Antonioo October 21, 2011 at 4:58 am

i’m 14 and not really even that overweight but throughout the day im always sleepy have bodyaches and have the worst time concentrating i do go to school and when i’m there i cant seem to remember anything i learned that day i’m wondering like what is wrong with me how could i forget everything and always be tired and have bodyaches


Noah March 23, 2012 at 4:48 pm

Hey Antonioo I’m 16 and I had the same problem with body aches and not remembering much from school. What I started doing is getting nine hours of sleep, eating a big breakfast, drinking a lot of water, exercising every day, and making sure I calm myself before I go to sleep. It really helps, and maybe it is a solution to your problem. Just know everyone goes through this, as a teenager, or an adult. Also, find something that makes you excited, like if it’s a sport, learn about it and play it; make sure you are confident and motivated and that solves tiredness. Good Luck.


macks October 23, 2011 at 6:25 am

hey m just 20 years old. Although i sleep for 8-10 hours a day,, i still feel uneasiness in my body. So i cant concentrate with what i do. But after that if i sleep for 30 minutes in the day,, then i feel ok. whats wrong with me?? When i wake in the middle of the night, its difficult for me to sleep. I feel uneasy & weak
Plz help me…


Abigayle October 31, 2011 at 5:57 pm

I am 22 years old with a generally good diet, I take B complex with C vitamins everyday. I work at least 8 hours Monday thru Friday, I walk a lot during the day and get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. My job isn’t too stressful and I have an active social life. I had a bad case of mono for 10 weeks starting in mid March of this year and have not gotten out of this rut of chronic fatigue. No matter what I do, drink, eat, etc. I just cannot fully wake up. Red Bull, coffee, espresso, other energy drinks don’t help. I drink a ton of water everyday. My shoulders and neck are constantly tense for no reason. I literally fall asleep anywhere… on the bus, at work, sitting at my desk, anything. I’ve dosed off a few times today at work already and I had a solid 7.5 hours of sleep last night and a strong cup of coffee this morning. WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!!?? please help! I need to wake up!


maddog November 1, 2011 at 5:01 pm

i’m a 30yr old and have a wee girl age 6,hope sum1 can help me on this,iv been really tired a yr now but these past few months have been really really bad 4me,i sleep great at nite,get up in the morning with the wee girl 2get her 2 school and when that’s done i go bk 2bed for 3hrs,all i want 2do is sleep,have no time for my child and its really not fair on her cos all i want 2do is sleep,she would ask me 2play with her but i just dont have the energy,its so not fair on her and me,i got a full blood count done and all came bk okay,is any1 else like me???


JoHanna November 2, 2011 at 4:37 pm

i feel like most of you tired, wore out and exhausted. i thought maybye it was because my best friend from in high school just died not that long ago, but doctors told me else wise. im only 16 and i feel like i get a total of 1 hour of sleep everynight. any advice?


Jacque November 13, 2011 at 7:47 am

I am 19 yrs. old, I’m an internet cafe attendant. And i’m always tired and felt sleepy every second of the day…I’m their only worker here, so basically i have to manage diff. kinds of person a day. Not only because of that i really have lack of sleep at night, I sleep 11pm. and have to wake up early. I also have family problems. Now, please give me some advice how to improve my lifestyle??? There are times i feel i’m going to burst. . . . PLEASE’


kat November 15, 2011 at 3:57 pm

Hi – I left a comment up further on the page as a reply because I saw a few people who seemed to have this “tiredness” connected with having had mono at some point.
However – if I really think about it, i’ve been “tired” all my life. I remember going to relatives’ on weekends for gatherings and what-not, and always finding a bed to “take a nap in”, as far back in childhood as I can remember… I’d be 8 and TIRED on a Saturday afternoon, while my cousins and siblings were playing…

Here is a thought… let’s see if any of us have commonalities in when we DID feel energetic, or “normal”? For me, in my late 20′s – I spent about 3-4 years working steadily on night shift in a good combination of deskwork + physical movement job. I did some administrative work as well as errand-running (getting tools, making copies, walking the floor collecting papers, information-gathering, etc etc) for a production plant. I worked 12hr shifts, starting 9pm, ending 9am…. and I felt… perfectly normal. Slept way better during the day, had way more energy at night, took NO getting used to the hours. I would have to say that was the happiest, and healthiest I ever felt in my life. I slept great, ate great, had energy, and never complained about fatigue or depression (except on any off-days where I HAD to function in normal society)

Has anyone but me ever wondered if there is MORE to the concept of “night person”/”morning-person”? If a *normal FUNCTIONING person was forced to live opposite to the accepted daytime-wake, and nighttime-sleep cycle – would they now become one of us *abnormal FATIGUED people?


Becki November 16, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Has anyone thought it could be M.E/CFS?! I know it won’t be that in many of the cases but I do think it’s worth thinking about, esp if you have been tired etc for a substantial amount of time, and a change of diet etc hasn’t worked.


Vincent November 25, 2011 at 3:39 pm

Hello, I’m a 9th grader, 13 years old, and I’m always tired throughout the day no matter how long I sleep. I also have trouble falling asleep.
If I go to bed at 9:30 and get up at 8:00 I’m still tired.
Bed at 12:00 and get up at 11:00 I’m still tired.
I have to sleep on the bus to school and once I get home I have to sleep more because I’m so tired.

I took melatonin at one time and although I fell asleep faster, I was still tired in the morning, and I’m tired the whole day. :[
Any help? Email me (—) would be greatly appreciated, I am always tired and can never concentrate on school (I’m in grade 9 Advanced)

I’m tired right now and it’s 9:40 am and I’m in school at the moment, but I can’t concentrate!!!


Paige Lynn December 4, 2011 at 2:52 pm

I feel the exact same way you do. I am an advanced 8th grader. I really try in school, but it never seems like enough and I get distracted so easily. I am always tired. I go to bed at 9:00 and wake up at five because I have a sister and we are both girls, and we need time to get ready. I don’t know what to do……


Stan November 25, 2011 at 8:25 pm

I have been going through the same feeling of tiredness. Mine seems to have started four years ago, but has always popped up here and there throughout my life. Since I started college (at 34), I’ve had to force myself to sit and concentrate; never an easy task for someone with ADHD. My legs start to shake, my mind wanders, and next thing you know, I’m stressed out and tired all of the time. I took time off this last summer to concentrate on work which required me moving around, bending, squatting, and sweating. It seemed to have helped during the day, but only because I was not able to concentrate on how tired I felt. As I get older I am unable to move as fast as I used to and find myself sitting more than standing. I feel as though I am destined to a sedentary lifestyle with constant anxiety and depression. Is it the information age causing me to remain glued to a computer screen in order to accomplish any type of productive activity, or is it just a byproduct of getting older?
I have a recollection that may be responsible. Most parents teach their kids to walk and talk during the first year of their life, but seem to spend the rest of their lives teaching them to sit down and shut up. Maybe we are getting to much sleep at an early age. I remember going to bed at 8:30 and getting up at 7:00 as a child. That’s almost twelve hours. Maybe it’s engrained now and I can’t shake it.


Nope January 22, 2012 at 1:07 am

Kids need sleep. I believe its normal for kids to sleep 12 hours during young childhood, it takes alot of energy to grow.
This isnt the prob. Its not ‘ingrained’.

Obviously Im here bc Im struggling with similiar issues as others on here. … But its kinda scary just how many kids are on this website. So many 13-17 year olds talkin about how they are always tired…. worriesome. Could it be something in the air?
People are less rebelious when they’re tired. I know flouride was put in the water to make people apathetic(look it up) and with all the ‘occupy’ marches lately, it wouldnt suprise me in the least to find out the formula of the chemtrails(look it up) or some other way, something has gotten an addition with the sole purpose for making people tired all the time. …..
If you think this is all paranoid delusion, well, your probably delusional…. and I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. lol. But seriously. Its potentially a bit off topic, but you need to google David Wilcock, and read about the trillion dollar lawsuit if you think all this idea is fantasy…. But anyway, I think stress and depression is prob. the cause of my tiredness, and even though I have no idea how to fix it, I hope everyone figures out their reasons for being constantly tired and is able to restore their energy.


Austin November 30, 2011 at 10:12 pm

I feel tired all the time I fall asleep every chance I get(at work,driving to work,sitting down to watch tv)and it’s such a big problem I don’t know where to start I have fallen asleep at someones house while visiting. My wife told me I snore and I stop breathing every couple minutes while I sleep and I am always getting up for something I have OCD so I will wake up to see If I locked the front door sorry to go on I just want advise what should I do first?????? Please help in any way u can thanks


Paige Lynn December 4, 2011 at 2:43 pm

I am only 13, I am one of the smartest students in my grade and I am in the 8th grade. I actually have the ability to go take college classes this summer. I am always tired and I am sore too. I play jr. high basketball and I try my hardest. My teachers and coach say I work my butt off. I always tell myself I could be doing better. I have been trying so hard in school and in basketball not wanting to fall behind like a lot of the other lazy girls. Any advice? I need it…….


Still Paige Lynn December 4, 2011 at 2:48 pm

I was tested for animia last summer for my basketball physical becuase I had been having breathing problems. You know when you get up from sitting down a long time and you get really dizzy? Well, I could sit down for five minutes and get up from the couch and barely hold myself up. I am really tired of this. I want to know what’s wrong with me. I also have these little bumps on my wrist and i’ve had them for a long time, back when I had strep for the second time. The ones on my right have moved down and the others on the left have moved up. I know something is wrong with me, please help me. Ask me anything………


amy December 5, 2011 at 8:10 pm

hey guys:), i’m a 14 year old girl and i don’t really eat that healthily, i don’t really excersize that much anymore either because i’m always too tired and simply cannot find the motivation to do anything other than sleep. I’m a healthy weighy and have healthy BMI levels. I wake up at 7 on school days having went to bed at about twelve. Thats 7 hours sleep which theoretically should be enough, so i dont think lack of sleep is the cause of my exhaustion. It’s unbeliavably hard for me to get out of bed in the morning, and by the time im at school i find myself struggling to stay awake in any lessons to the point where i can barely keep my eyes open. I then come home and sometimes i’ll have a nap and i’ll wake up feeling grotty and in some cases, more tired than before. I’ve lost the will to do anything, i feel like im being lazy but i can’t help it, i’m constantly exhausted and just feel drained. Anybody know why this might be in my specific case?


Just Tired December 7, 2011 at 9:45 pm

well heres what is up, ever since i was outta chemo treatments when i was 16 ive been dog tired all the time, now at 28 its time to change all that i have 3 kids that depend on me to work an provide for them, ive been to prison twice now and am sick of feeling tired, its like i get the wounderfull lil black cloud of my very own to keep as a pet, i dont want it. i avrage anywhere from 2 hours a night to 18 hours depending on what i have to do, its pure will power that keeps me going, not really a fun situation to be in as a recovering drug addict for sure, and worse part is no medical meens i just cope best i can.. laterz


ethan December 13, 2011 at 1:18 am

Hi I’m 15 and I’m pretty sure I have anxiety and depression but i usually when I wake up in the morning ill feel fine until about 6pm is when I start feeling tired and by 7:30 I’m literally exauhsted. I don’t really exercise at all and when I. Try to sleep it takes hours for me to fall asleep because I’m afraid something is really wrong with me. I usually fall asleep around 2am and wake up at about noon I don’t go to school because I do cyberschool but I just need some advice for what to do first to stop this exauhsted feeling.


Mattias December 13, 2011 at 12:18 pm

These last few weeks I have been having a rollercoaster sleep pattern. 4 hours of sleep one day, 16 hours another day. I have it in check now, but I often wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time going to sleep again. I admit that I’m having a depression. No girlfriend, no friends, not much of a life. Lost my job in october for no apparent reason. It’s december now. I’m 34.

I feel like a walking dead person. My eyes start to sink into my skull about 1-2 hours after waking up, with dark rings under them. Then I get tired, and there’s like a lump or something in my stomach. I work out at the gym pretty often, but I can’t trust my sleeping patterns, and my irregular sleep interfers with my training.


Mattias again December 16, 2011 at 5:46 pm

Was just a phase, maybe. I have more energy after I’ve started lifting weights regularly, and walking/jogging. I think my body has adjusted to my new diet regimen that includes a whole lot of fruits and vegetables. What’s more, I throw out the cat before I go to bed. It has been waking me up at night. The trick is to have a solid night’s sleep without interruption, and work yourself sweaty.


heidi January 2, 2012 at 4:41 am

Hi, I’m 19 and going through a really hard time right now because of my constant tiredness. I have a 13 month old son & a husband, my husband works from 9-9 and I work from 4-9 so I’m with the baby all day and working all evening and it is a marathon in itself just packing his stuff to go to my moms house while I work, let alone playing, feeding him, getting him out of the house ect ect I feel tired to the point of tears all the time, I’ve become easily frazzled and i just don’t feel like myself anymore, my body feels weak and i am just all around exhausted and i don’t know what to do at this point…I’ve been taking adderol since I was around 11 years old, and i feel like adderol is the only thing that gets me by right now, I sometimes have to take a half pill more than my daily dose just to go to work so sometimes I’m short at the end of the month, and without adderol I literally cannot get out of bed(and i know, that’s terrible but I’ve been on it so long I probably do have a dependance) So, is there anything you guys suggest for me to do or take?


SAm January 12, 2012 at 5:48 am

heidi gurl dont feel bad. i take adderall and its the only thing that gets me by at work. sleep all morning and still tired. then i have to take an extra just like you. i cry at night bc im tired of being tired. dont know which way to go..


Megan January 10, 2012 at 3:18 pm

For probably the past 6 months maybe longer I havent been anything but tired. I am 19, have two jobs and in college but neither of my jobs stress me out i work three days a week and maybe one or two days on the weekend at my second job. I have to work to get myself out of bed in the morning and it takes forever for me to fall asleep at night because im wide awake but all day i struggle to keep my eyes open. Even on days of no work or school i sleep in and am still tired. I do have a bleeding disorder but it affects my platlets so i dont think thats it. I have also gained 15lbs or so and im just done with this sleepyness!!


SaraBeach January 11, 2012 at 5:28 am

I am a 27 yr old female. I was having all of thsee smptoms, then about 3 months ago, l was diagnosed with systemic lupus. It is an autoimmune disease that attacks your own body. Do yourself a favor and make an appointment with a rhemtologist and get tested!


Benjamin January 13, 2012 at 6:34 pm

Hey my names ben im 20 and iv been feeling like this for nearly a year now, it started when i was finishing college im not overly intelligent but i had a big interest in what i was studying which i lost when i started feeling tierd dizzy and ill and resulted in me not finishing college, it started making me depressed and i went through a really rough stage of not talking to many of my friends leading on to me not taking part in any many activities apart from going out and getting drunk because that would cure my depression for the night, it carried on throughout the year and slowly i started losing more things in my life i quit my job on an impulse of finding a better job my boyfriend was the one person who would be there for me but he split up with me 2 months ago because we would constantly argue, my friends now dont want to bother with me because i havent made the effort with them,

So iv tried different techniques to cure my tierdness/anxiety/depression/illness, iv tried eyedrops to wake me up drinking more water i gave up smoking joined the gym tried going out more but i just feel uncomfortable as nothing seems to interest me, me and my boyfriend are on talking terms again and hes helping me iv applied for jobs but have had no luck as its nearly impossible these days, i went to the doctors alot but i think i will have to go again, i even had laser eye surgury because i thought that because im lightheaded and dizzy 24/7 it might be because of my poor eyesight but i still have the same feeling.

I need some sort of help is councelling the way forward? does anyone recognise these symtoms? i used to be so healthy happy and active now im the opposite :( I need help.


LoriB January 18, 2012 at 5:28 am

I have been gluten free for three years. I went off milk for a year now. I eat organics only, hormone/antibodic free meat, trying to cut sugar out of my diet. Haven’t cut caffeine out yet. I lost 40lbs. My Blood pressure is normal now. My constipation, bloating, swelling, allergys, infections lungs, sinus and ears are better. My sleep is a problem. I work night shift and never have a consistant sleep cycle. I am tired all the time. My ears ring. When I am off I try to flip back to living days and sleeping nights but it makes me feel sick. I take benadryl and melantonin for sleep but sometime still feel unrested after sleeping 7 hours? I need help. Guess I am venting. Maybe after 17yrs of night shift I need to change to days or do a different job!!


Nikita January 18, 2012 at 7:47 pm

Ok im 24 years old. Ive been feeling very sleepy since the first day back to work after crimbo 2011. I dont know what to think, i always feel tried, i have to get up at 6am for work but i struggle so much! I have to leave at 7am to get to work for 7:30am and i get upat 6:50 where i just wanna stay in bed and carry on sleeing!! I work 7:30am till 5pm in an office! And when i get my hours lunch i feel that i could so easly nod off!! I do have some nights sleep where i wake up at 3-4am needing the bathroom, but like it says on here try not drinking near sleep time, tried it dont work!! I get in from work and then nod off for awhile, not long say 30 – 45 mins. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?


Natasha January 20, 2012 at 2:29 am

I am currently 19 years old, full time college student and part time worker at a Petsmart in the Pet Hotel. I have problems with always being tired as well, I will go to bed at around 9pm (when I am not working until 10-11pm at night) and will wake up constantly throughout the night for no reason I can think of. 9pm bed time, will wake up almost every hour on the hour, (i.e. 10, 11, 12:30, 1:30, 2, ect) all the way until I actually need to be up for classes at 7am. I have tried not drinking or eating anything anytime after 6-7pm for dinner but it still does not help. My boyfriend and I keep our room at a comfortable 70 degrees (we live in alaska so its a good temp for us) and have a fan blowing for white noise. Also we make sure that our door is closed and windows are shut to keep out any light/ sound that might pass through. I dont have a set exersize routine because I am constantly walking throughout the day around my campus and while I work, I am constantly chasing dogs around, playing tug of war with them, and while I am not busy with that I walk around the dog’s room and take them for walks through the hallways. I do have a slight problem with my breathing, when I do anything to strenuous I have trouble regaining my breath and my chest hurts. (So I cannot run, do to many steps, ect) when my heart-rate is at resting pace I take long slow deep breaths, 6 second enhales and 5 second exhales on average.
I eat fairly healthy, plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as eating more chicken compared to beef or other red fatty meats. I eat fish on occasion (especially salmon and halibut since its easy to fish for durring the right times) and my boyfriend and I only treat ourselves occassionally to fast foods such as taco bell or mcdonalds once or twice a month. I do drink alot of coffee which may be partially the reason why I get so thirsty but I do make sure that I refrain from drinking any after 3-4pm that way it shouldnt affect my sleeping schedual.
Also I dont have any depression issues, I am happy a majority of the time and do enjoy playing video games and going out for walks. The only problem is that I feel to tired to do anything including just sitting on a couch to play video games most of the time. I also get headaches a lot of the time but dont know what they are caused by :(

If anyone would give me any advice on where I should begin looking at things to change, please let me know.


Shelton January 23, 2012 at 12:26 am

I would like to start off by saying, I do feel.exactly like most of you here.. But I do have a couple things happening with me that’s a little different.. 1st. I have ocd, and one if the things that plagues me during my sleeping time is my sheets.. I’ll explain, if they wrinkle up under my me and are not straight it causes me to have to get up and fix them, so they are right. Also, my covers have to be right on the top too. Both the blanket and sheet have to be flush with each other. If not of course I have to fix it.. I also have sleep apnea. I haven’t the money though to.get the test run. But I wake up every night, several times a night. With that startled, gasping for breath feeling.. It actually does scare me.. Cause sometimes while in asleep, I try and wake myself up, cause I know im not breathing.. And it takes sometime, at least it feels like it, for me to wake myself up.. Scary!!! I am a truck driver, and my life has completely went to crap.. And yes I do have lots lots of stresses .. I take effexor 200 mg, for depression. I take remeron 30.mg for depression. Also take lipitor for my cholesterol, not sure the name but I take a med for my high blood pressure.. I could write a novel on the stuff going on with me. But this isn’t how I use to be!! The last Two years or so has simply been overbearing.. I’ve contemplated suicide.. Been to hundreds of doctors. Nobody knows.. I even admired my self to a hospital. Was there a week, with no results or ideas:(
I also have anxiety, panic attacks.. Friend and family, tell.me I need to turn to God for help.. Trust me I have asked God to help me. I feel like im out of options.. I’m at a job I.hate… I’ve been driving a truck for 20 years, its all I’ve ever done.. I love seeing the country, by with my health and sleep issues I feel like im at my end here… If anyone would like to talk, I would love that.. You can find me on Facebook.. I actually have two accounts so when u enter my name It will show two of me.. But im using the one with a guy that has two sides to his face.. Its a prince.. So look me up at shelton Lambert, from Brookhaven, Mississippi.. Thanks


Shelton January 23, 2012 at 5:46 am

Wanted to add some more, to what I was saying.. I have always had issues sleeping.. When I was young, my mind would race out of control, the minute I would lay down, it still does to this day, sometimes!! Anyway, so I would lay there and toss and turn. Until I had a raging headache.. Then I would get nausea.. I did find a way that helped, and I know it’s gonna sound silly, but it absolutely did the trick. I would start singing my abc’s over and over, then I would count from 1 to 100 then 100 to 1.. Usually after that my mind was not racing as bad, and I would sleep. I also have really bad allergies. So when I would lay down my knows would stop up, all the time. So my parents would put Vicks vapor rub, in my nose, and on my chest. And also put a fan on me to keep air circulating.. On top of that I also slept with a humidifier.. Yep, !! We lived in a trailer so any noise, would wake me up. But after years and years of troubles sleeping, it just seems to get worse.. And I know my ocd plays a part in it, But I also know there’s alot more to it than that.. I am now laying in my bed writing this.. Not sure if anyone else has any of these issues or not.. Maybe I am alone! Thanks


Deandre January 25, 2012 at 7:31 pm

I’m 16 years old and every single day I feel so tired. It’s like a regular routine for me to be tired all the time. I need my energy because I play basketball and I have to get through the day. It sucks of the fact that I feel like I haven’t been asleep at all. On weekends, that’s no problem for me. But on weekdays, I look like the living dead, so to seek. I need a solution. I try to get the right amount of sleep. I just don’t feel like it. :(


Valerie January 27, 2012 at 11:48 pm

I just got up at around 1am after going to bed around 12pm. As you can kind of guess that is a bit TOO much of sleep. The issue is I wake up and im still tired, as of right now its almost 4pm and I feel like going back to bed. I unfortunately cant change my sleep scheduled atm since my college classes end at 10pm at night. I figure my issue for the most part is that I am iron deficient, I know this because of blood tests from previous illnesses. So my plan is to start taking iron pills and hope that helps. I thought id post this idea on here so that others might try iron pills, especially if you are a woman. They are sold almost at any grocery store or pharmacy in the U.S. and you do not need a doctors note to get bottle. Again this was suggested by my doctor, its not a self diagnoses.


Conor January 30, 2012 at 3:45 pm

My Names Conor..
I’m a good looking down to earth 31 year old and I’m still very young at heart.

I have had problems with sleep for many years… and still do.

With hindsight I realize that the problems I have regarding my sleeping really revolve around my lifestyle and not being able to cope with my past, up bringing etc etc let alone the now…

I got into drugs at a young age at a time where it was for fun and something I chose to do as an experience with my circle of friends at the time, but as time went on I used recreational drugs more and more…

With hindsight I realize it was my way of escaping reality and with time my mind and body recognized it as my form of coping with the pressures and or stress’s of life but eventually the effects of my drug taking/ habit got to a point where it started to ruin a lot of things regarding family, life choices, relationships and also heavily interfered with me being able to live life naturally and more importantly learn to grow as a person.

My sleeping patterns were always out of whack and have always been that way since I was about 21.

I gave up the drugs before I turned 29 and as a result the realities of life I had yet learnt to deal with with slowly surfaced to a point where I had my 1st anxiety attack some couple months later and at that time not understanding what was going on my anxiety got worse and worse to a point where I would suffer massive anxiety and panic attacks..

Some people would speculate and believe it had to do with the drugs which to a certain extent I would agree with but it really came down to self analyse on what is really going on in life.

For some people sleeping problems may purely just be a condition that is out of there control… But for others like me it is something we do have the ability to cure or change…
Its really just a matter of choice…

A Healthy Lifestyle…
Good Food…
Regular Exercise…
Positive thinking….
Good energy….
Being around a healthy environment that will support this lifestyle…
And good people…

We live in a world and are brought up to think and feel that for us to be happy we must base this on exterior things e.g money, clothes, status, so much pressure on social status, materialistic things and body image that we easily lose touch with simply being… We lose touch with enjoying the experience of being able to be at one with who we are… And in this process can easily become unhappy about life and as a result make choices in life that are hugely influenced rather than being completely free…

Happiness is a choice…
Being at peace with your life is a choice…
and with these changes come good sleep…
come a new zest for life that will revitalize every living essence of your being both spiritually and physically…

So if you are like me and have suffered sleeping problems, fatigue, always tired…
Make the choice to make the change…
and let what is meant to be happen naturally…


Samantha February 3, 2012 at 4:42 pm

In my experience, I can only say exhaustion and tiredness is very common in teenagers as you are all still growing, and not just outwardly. Your internal organs are also growing to their full adult size and it’s like a powerhouse of activity inside your body as it races to complete its predestined and optimal hormonal balance. As long as you’ve done all the med checks, try to eat well, get exercise, fresh air and rest and sleep when you can, your body should right itself eventually. Try not to worry, that’s killer. Sorry if this sounds old fashioned but I got this advice from my grandma and she lived healthily till 97yrs (despite a bout of bladder cancer in her
70s). In fact, she always told me, as did her mother (lived til 93) rest when you can and don’t over do it, and be mind to yourself. I wish you all bags of happiness and energy in your life. Take care


Samantha February 3, 2012 at 9:14 pm

Be kind to yourself and be gentle on yourself.


Derrick February 4, 2012 at 4:16 pm

Okay I have done a lot of studying on the internet and books about health and nutrition, so I’m going to do my best to tell you what I know about tiredness. First off tiredness can be caused by a number of things like it was discussed in the above explanations. I won’t put in here a few things because I noticed someone had already put it up above. However, I have a few to add to it. The first is electromagnetic chaos from computers, cell phones, TVs, satellites, etc… The second is microwaves which can kill all the nutrients in the food and has shown to cause cancer in lab rats. The third thing is shampoos, perfumes, deodorants, and soaps, which are laden with poisonous industrial chemicals. The fourth is air pollution, take a look at your environment. Do you live around a factory or power plant? Now I would add food here but it has already been talked about. Except I didn’t see it said that even eating out one time a week is enough to make you’re system overruned with to many chemicals. You’re water supply is important to note also. Do you have a good filter? One with
reverse osmosis to kill off bacteria. I can’t really tell everything on here in detail it would take me all day, but anyway good luck hope this helps.



Col x February 12, 2012 at 1:50 am

wow that was a very interesting read, and i totally understand what you mean. Thank you for that.


Crystal February 27, 2012 at 6:15 pm

I’m in high school and I go to sleep at 10.00pm and wake at 6.00am or 6.30am. I sleep for the whole 8 or 8 and a half hours and do not wake up but I am constantly tired. When I’m at school I yawn through out my lessons and fight falling asleep in class and I even come home and nap for an hour or so but I am still TIRED. I eat solid healthy food at lunch and dinner and have snacks in between so I do not understand why I am tired and have no energy. People often notice the bags under my eyes as they are so visible. I do not know what problem I have.


Maarion March 1, 2012 at 4:43 am

I am 15 turning 16 soon enought. i go to sleep arround 11:30 ( beacause if i go earlier i dont fall asleep and just end up getting back up and eating) i wake up at 6:50 when i should be up by 6:30 and when i get back from school (at 3) i eat and go right to bef because i cant take it anymore. I usually wake up arround 9 or 10 if my rents let me sleep. Also, i play hockey at least 4-5 times a week. I can sleep up to 14 hours straight. Also, these past days, just getting up from bed and walking to the top of the stairs ( witch are a few meters away) leave me looking like i ran 5k. I really dont know what is the problem please help!


Justice March 8, 2012 at 3:31 am

I’m 14 going on 15, and I am averaging 5 hours of sleep. during weekdays I get 4 or so hours, but on weekends i may sleep for 12+ hours. I’m never energetic, and both friends and teachers are commenting on how dead i look. I’m slightly overweight, but quite tall, and i used to have energy in the mornings, so i don’t think my problem has to do with weight. I know that my comment is just about the same as everyone else’s comments and problems, but i’m slowly getting apathetic and having sort of mood swings, ranging from sudden laughter (which is actually nice) to an illogical anger at any/every one or thing. the irrational anger is disturbing me a little, and i find myself becoming more apathetic in order to not start ranting and screaming at my friends. Just hoping for the names of some safe herbs or whatever else that may help. thanks to anyone who answers.


always tired March 12, 2012 at 2:00 pm

im not sure whats happening to me,but im always tired,the little bit i do around the house im tired,i walk a little im tired.i go to the mall with my daughter and i get tired as soon as we go to the mall.im getting a bit forgetful at times,im 47.i cant seem to understand this..


christy March 15, 2012 at 3:01 am

Im 25 im a bit overweight but im pretty active i work in a warehouse 40hrs wk the dept im in im always walking and lifting heavy things so theres my exercise…i get between 7-9hrs sleep 1-2 meals a day and plenty of liquids the thing that bothers me is that i can drink 2 amps and feel no energy i can drink them before bed and fall asleep instantly energy drinks donot give me energy idk why even when i take naps im still tired i do snore and friends and family do say it sounds like i struggle for air but i cant tell bc im asleep and i dont feel any diff unless someone wakes me then i just feel angry…my sis got surgery to get her adnoids and tonsils removed that helped for a bit then she started snoring againg so surgery doesnt work… and my mother is on a cpap machine bc she has apnea but…..HELP!


chris March 22, 2012 at 3:47 pm

Before I would stay up till 3 or 4 with friends. Go to work will tons of energy at 8, had a second Job at 5, and went out again the same night till 3or 4. I am almost 21, and all I want to do is sleep. I only work one job now and i rairly ever go out. I have been in a relationship with my boy friend for almost a year and I have joined a Marathon team and got a new puppy. I am always tired and sleep not only all night, but any time I am alone during the day. When I am with my friends I feel so sleepy and embarrassed because I don’t have the energy they do. I think this lack of energy could come from the stress of my friends, boyfriend,puppy, and Marathon team all in one. I know I can’t please everybody, but I still try my best. I really want to feel like me again.


DILLON March 25, 2012 at 11:00 am


For a While now i have been getting really tired easy and im fit healthy eating right i take iron tablets what else can it been its really worrying me ??


L'Wren March 28, 2012 at 3:08 pm

I am 19 years old and for the past year or so I have been having difficulties getting a good nights sleep. I toss and turn and wake up multiple times. Even when I get more then 8 hours of sleep a night I wake up feeling exhausted like I hadn’t even slept. I recently started college but I dropped out after a month and a half because I was always so tired and couldn’t concentrate on the work. I have been to the doctor multiple times. Iv checked my blood pressure, thyroid, checked for diabetes and for anemia they have all came back normal. I eat very healthy and try to get in exercise when I can, I have recently started taking a multivitamin but it didnt seem to make much of a difference. I use to be the last one to go to bed and the first one up in the morning, and now it seems like I do nothing but sleep or think about how tired I am. My mom is worried that I am depressed but I dont feel sad or anything and im assuming that if I was depressed I would be the first to know… I feel like I have tried everything going to the doctors, vitamins, healthy diet and exercise, Iv tried every energy drink on the market, even caffeine pills (I would NOT recommend they gave me the shakes and did not make me feel any less tired) I NEED to go back to collage in a few months and I want to have a positive experience and be able to focus on my studies…any maybe even dare I say party a little lol. I would love any advice of things that have worked for others chronic exhaustion.


Robin April 10, 2012 at 6:44 pm

After suffering from severe fatigue for months, I had my thyroid checked – - twice – -sadly, hoping that was the problem so that I could “take something” to make it better. That was not it. I am healthy in every way and exercise 4-5 times a week. I finally went to a naturopath and after an simple saliva test, discovered that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue. I believe that many of you may have the same issue….brought on by stress, not enough sleep and just life in general. It is made much worse by caffiene & energy drinks because these things give your body a “false signal” that it has energy, which causes your adrenal glands to continue to function improperly. Google “adrenal fatigue”….there are many recommended supplements out there. If you can, find yourself a naturopathic dr. to help with this, as you will not find a “regular MD” who will diagnose this issue. Believe me, I have tried.


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