Why Am I Always Tired » chronic fatigue http://why-am-i-always-tired.org Offering Comprehensive Advice To End Tiredness And Increase Energy Tue, 03 Nov 2015 04:26:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.9 Good Reason To Find A Chronic Fatigue Solution: Link To Lymphoma /170/good-reason-to-find-a-chronic-fatigue-solution-link-to-lymphoma/ /170/good-reason-to-find-a-chronic-fatigue-solution-link-to-lymphoma/#comments Sun, 18 Nov 2012 08:57:10 +0000 /?p=170 Doctor Visit Fatigue

Do you have a diagnosis of chronic fatigue?

Or do you believe that if you went to the doctor, you would get a diagnosis of chronic fatigue?

If so, you know how easy it is to drag yourself from one activity to the next with no hope of ever improving.

You search and search for a chronic fatigue solution yet none really ever seems to surface.

Life seems to be in black and white and everyone else is having all the fun, not you. It can be difficult to muster up the strength to do required things, let alone the things that you used to do both in your daily activities and for fun.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland released the results of their study on chronic fatigue syndrome and the risk of cancer in the elderly in May 2012 with information that you may want to pay attention to.

They start out the study with the fact that the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown but thought to be associated with immune abnormalities or infection.

In natural healing, there are many causes of chronic fatigue:

1. Epstein-Barr viral infection

2. Lyme’s disease (you were bitten by an infected tick)

3. Exposure to harmful chemicals

4. Exposure to radiation

5. Vitamin deficiencies

6. Mineral deficiencies

7. Blood sugar abnormalities

8. Infection of another type, possibly fungal or yeast

9. Tooth infection or mercury leaking from tooth

10. Heavy metal poisoning

When you have an infection, your white blood cells release chemicals that slow you down and create fatigue.

The purpose of this is to get you off the Energizer Bunny track of go-go-go and allow your body to heal. Your body seems to respond by MAKING you slow down, and it does this with fatigue.

The National Institute of Cancer researchers wanted to see if there was a correlation between cancer and the elderly and chronic fatigue syndrome. They examined 1.2 million cases of cancer in people over the age of 66 from between 1992 and 2005.

That’s a lot of records to go through!

They were looking for chronic fatigue syndrome to be identified in the medical records and their search went back to more than one year prior to the diagnosis.

They did find a link. It was less than 1% (only 0.5%) but nevertheless there was a link.

The people who had cancer and chronic fatigue up to one year before diagnosis were mainly those with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (Source: Cancer May 30, 2012)

QuestionWhat Is Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the B lymphocytes. You have two types of lymphocytes – or white blood cells – in your body.

These are the B lymphocytes and the T lymphocytes. Your while blood cells help your body prevent infections.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma usually shows up in adults, not children. It’s found especially in those with weakened immune systems.

If you happened to have an organ transplant and are taking drugs that suppress the immune system, you are also at risk.

Having Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma differs from having chronic fatigue syndrome by itself. Here are a few symptoms associated with this type of cancer:

  • Itching
  • Swollen lymph nodes throughout the entire body
  • Loss of weight
  • Fever and chills from time to time
  • Sweating episodes at night where you are soaked with sweat – even though the bedroom is not hot

There can be other signs and symptoms if the cancer has affected the lymph nodes in the lungs or brain cells.

Chemotherapy helps in cases of fast-growing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but in the slow-growing ones, it isn’t of much help

What Does This Information Tell You?

Immune SystemThis study done at the National Cancer Institute tells us just how important it is to keep our immune system cells healthy and happy.

Usually we don’t even give our immune system cells much thought about how to keep them healthy.

We think about what to do to keep our feet happy, our stomach happy, our body and what it looks like . . . but who thinks about feeding the immune system cells every day? Not many people.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Decrease sugar in your diet. Sugar paralyzes the white blood cells so they can’t work and engulf bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungi.

Protein Meat2. Eat plenty of protein, including meat.

Meat keeps you strong because of the iron content – and most people have been brainwashed to believe that iron is bad for them.

Iron is essential to good immunity and its main source is red meat.

3. The protein from other non-red meat sources strengthens the immune system by giving it the ability to create antibodies.

Eat non-red meat sources of complete protein such as dairy products, eggs, fish, turkey and chicken.

4. Include herbs and spices in your diet. The innumerable medicinal constituents they contain add up and provide anti-cancer substances.

Herbs And Spices

Just by doing these four things, you will even notice a big improvement in your chronic fatigue. Try it and see for yourself.

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What To Do About Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: How To Get Over Tiredness /134/what-to-do-about-chronic-fatigue-symptoms-how-to-get-over-tiredness/ /134/what-to-do-about-chronic-fatigue-symptoms-how-to-get-over-tiredness/#comments Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:03:54 +0000 /?p=134 Fatigue Teens

Commit To Eliminating Your Tiredness Symptoms And Extreme Fatigue

Chronic fatigue symptoms can ruin your life in many ways that are related to how the symptoms manifest.

Here is a list of some of the ways that chronic fatigue can manifest:

  • A person with chronic fatigue symptoms will often stop talking to their friends and family in a positive manner.
  • They’ll talk about how tired they are.
  • They make excuses for not participating in fun activities with friends.
  • They sound like they’re not excited about anything in life.

This isn’t exactly a recipe for a good friendship! Instead, it ends up separating people. No one wants to be around someone who is a downer!

  • If you have tiredness, extreme fatigue or have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue, you probably find it difficult to be upbeat.
  • You have to drag yourself up out of bed.
  • You often have difficulty sleeping.
  • You don’t feel like having sexual relationships with your partner.

These symptoms start to take a toll on your work, your home life and even how you view yourself.

I feel for you, but at the same time realize that in reality, you really have no other solution except to overcome your tiredness and extreme fatigue.

What Causes Chronic Fatigue Symptoms?

There are many causes of chronic fatigue symptoms. Below is a list of a few of them:

1. Environmental Toxicity


The environmental toxins can accumulate in the body. These toxic elements such as mercury, lead, aluminum, bismuth, arsenic, antimony, uranium, cadmium, and others have been clearly linked with chronic fatigue symptoms.

The chronic fatigue symptoms are a red flag to your body that it’s time to do something about what’s happening. The only problem is that you don’t know what’s happening unless you do some medical testing.

One way to find out what’s happening is to get a hair analysis test ordered by a health practitioner. This test lists about a dozen different elements in the environment that can jump up to levels of toxicity that account for your fatigue.

The test will tell you what your levels of these environmental toxins are. As soon as you can remove the high levels of toxic elements, you will start to feel better.

2. Allergies Or Food Sensitivities

Food Allergy

Allergies to food or food sensitivities is a major cause of problems with extreme fatigue or tiredness. What happens is that foods trigger off immune system reactions in the body that use up a lot of energy and leave you with tiredness.

It would take forever to figure out what foods you are allergic to or foods that cause sensitivities. The problem is that foods can cause delayed reactions in the body.

You can eat a pear today and have a reaction to it three days from now. If you’re eating more than just pears in your diet, it’s difficult to isolate what is causing the problem.

The easiest way to discover what foods are the culprits is to order an ALCAT test. This test is quite accurate for food insensitivities. The test itself is a simple blood test and can test a few hundred different foods.

Rotating the foods that you are not sensitive to is then the solution. This way you won’t create any new food problems.

The best part of it all is that within about four to five days, there is a total change in the person who has had chronic fatigue symptoms.

This is because the foods that caused problems have been removed and there are no more immune system reactions. The inflammation is gone in the body. And that brings on a wonderful state of being, and state of health.

3. Not Enough Sleep

Enough Sleep

When you have chronic fatigue symptoms, it’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of “I’ll do what I can when I can do it.” This type of attitude only enables you to stay locked in the arms of the health issue.

Re-establishing sleep patterns is very important for overcoming extreme fatigue or tiredness.

Everyone who doesn’t get a good night of sleep – whether or not they have chronic fatigue syndrome – will end up being tired. Thus, you have to force yourself NOT to take naps during the day, which quickly throws off your whole sleep cycle.

The minute that you start nodding off, it’s time to get up and take the dog for a walk, take a shower to invigorate you, or do something that grabs your interest and makes you happy.

This is a vital step in recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms.

After you get started with these three methods to start recovering your life from chronic fatigue symptoms, it’s time to dig deep and read as much as you can on the topic.

End Tiredness ProgramOne great idea is to get the ebook, End Tiredness Program, and finding out a lot more details. It’s a good second step to creating a victory over extreme tiredness and fatigue.

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Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Treatment You May Not Have Thought Of Before /107/therapies-for-chronic-fatigue-treatment-you-may-not-have-thought-of-before/ /107/therapies-for-chronic-fatigue-treatment-you-may-not-have-thought-of-before/#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2011 08:56:31 +0000 /?p=107 Tired Medications

Doctors try their best at chronic fatigue treatment but they’re at a loss on what to do besides give prescriptions for medications and order tests that can show other things that may be wrong in the body.

It’s helpful to have the results of these tests. However, there’s a risk that the medications given as fatigue treatment are going to contribute to more chronic fatigue and tiredness.

And if your body’s liver isn’t working at full capacity and is unable to detoxify the medications, then you unknowingly end up contributing to the tiredness and create more fatigue.

That’s when it’s time to turn to alternative healing for some answers for treatment for chronic fatigue.

The first thing you should know about chronic fatigue treatment from an alternative healing perspective is that you are going to have to invest some time and effort into them for them to work.

What Else You Should Know About A Treatment For Chronic Fatigue

Here are some additional facts about chronic fatigue treatment from this perspective:

1. Is Your Fatigue Caused From Bad Mental Habits?

Learning how to forgive

The entire body is considered, so be prepared to consider even spiritual intervention as a treatment for fatigue.

For example, if you are carrying a heavy load of unforgiveness and bitterness towards people in your life, this can impact your energy levels during the day.

So once you sit down and make a concerted effort to remove the bitterness and let it go, you can make a big difference in how much energy you have. This is a little known treatment for fatigue but it makes total sense.

2. Supplements May be Recommended

Fatigue fighting herbs

You may have to consume herbs or foods you aren’t used to. These remedies have been used for centuries as remedies for tiredness.

A number of different herbs or foods may be suggested. Some may be bitter. However, it’s important to remember that the taste buds adjust to bitter tastes.

After four days, the bitterness of the herbs is accepted because your taste buds will change.

As an option, you can always use herb capsules and just bypass the whole taste process. This way you can get the benefits of fatigue treatment without the cons.

Coffee - good or bad?

3. Forget The Coffee

Avoid caffeinated beverages that increase tiredness. This may sound like an oxymoron but it’s true. Caffeine perks you up for awhile, and then you will crash.

4. Forget The Exercise

Don’t overdo the exercise regimens. Exercise increases lactic acid and free radicals which need to be neutralized in the body.

The neutralization process takes energy and can contribute to tiredness. Adding an exercise program is often not in a list of remedies that will work as a treatment for fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue Treatment Solutions

With these in mind, let’s review some of the treatments for chronic fatigue that should be considered.

1. Enzyme Therapy

Scientists report that it’s possible that we only have a limited number of enzymes that can be released in the body in a lifetime.

The problem is that each time we overeat we end up using far too many enzymes to break down all the extra food that was eaten. We end up using up some of the enzymes needed for our later years.

Thus, by adding enzymes to the diet both at mealtimes and in between meals, we can help prolong our life.

But more important than that for those who suffer from chronic fatigue is that the enzymes have functions in the body to help normalize metabolic pathways.

Some of the metabolic pathways in the body depend on enzymes for the production of energy. Without the enzymes, you won’t have enough energy.

This is an indirect method of treatment for chronic fatigue but in many people it is extremely helpful. Remedies such as serrapeptase enzymes are often included in this type of treatment for fatigue.

2. Detoxification Program

The body is like a factory. Whatever goes in must be processed and the waste matter removed. If the waste is allowed to accumulate, then constipation results.

Constipation is one of the biggest causes of chronic fatigue. It’s like walking around with a suitcase full of toxins in the abdomen. Sickening and sickening you! It’s no wonder that people are tired.

Removing the waste matter is imperative. You can start with a colon cleanse that involves remedies like aloe vera juice, which is pretty gentle at eliminating colon waste matter.

However, many people have waited far too long for this to happen. They need to blast out the waste matter in the colon. The treatment for fatigue in this case is a colon hydrotherapy session.

In this, the therapist inserts water into the colon with a hose. Another larger hose serves as a way for the old fecal matter to come out.

Those with chronic fatigue may feel better after one treatment but it’s more common to do a series of ten treatments before noticing a difference that can be continually felt.

3. Fasting With Juices

Fruit juices are rich in enzymes

Fasting with juices is another chronic fatigue treatment. This one involves using a juicer to extract the juice out of vegetables and some fruits, and then drinking the tasty juices.

These juices provide thousands of enzymes, and thus can be considered an enzyme therapy or treatment for fatigue.

Drinking the juices daily for a week and then three times a week is the usual protocol. Differences are often felt in three days.

4. Food Allergy Recognition

Food allergy can make you feel tired

Getting a medical lab test done for food allergies can also be a way to end up stopping chronic fatigue forever.

This involves a trip to the medical doctor to order the test (or a referral), a trip back to get the results, and then following the guidelines set up by the doctor afterward.

The test may be an ELISA test or an ALCAT test. Whatever foods show up as allergies are then removed from the diet or rotated every four days.

End Tiredness ProgramIf you’re allergic to different foods, then this treatment for chronic fatigue could work the best for you.

Find out more about the topic of tiredness with the ebook, End Tiredness Program. You’ll be glad you did.



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