Extreme Tiredness And Your Health

in End Tiredness Guide

Tired Man

The feeling of constant tiredness can sneak up on you. In fact, you may be in a state of extreme tiredness before you realize that you have a serious situation. If you do not resolve the problem, it can quickly become a dangerous issue.

You may have always felt that you are a driven person who gets things done. You may have convinced yourself a long time ago that tiredness was a trade off for accomplishments. However, at some point, it will not matter how much you get done because you will be too exhausted to enjoy your accomplishments.

Furthermore, you will no longer have the energy to relax and take pleasure in your recreational time spent with friends and family. This can cause depression and even greater fatigue, making each day seem like more of an uphill battle than the day before.

While tiredness can severely impact your quality of life, it is the causes of extreme tiredness that are most concerning. The most common causes of tiredness are related to sleep. This can include not getting enough sleep, not getting the right kind of sleep, and not getting consistent sleep.

Sleep issues are always the first problem you should suspect if you are tired. However, if you are finding that you are always extremely tired this may also be a sign of a severe medical condition.


Adrenaline is your body’s own natural energy boosting chemical. When you feel excited, stressed, in danger, or even joy it triggers your adrenal gland to release adrenaline into your system. This gives you the surge of energy you will need to function at a higher pace during this time. This surge of energy can take a toll on your body, so your adrenal gland also releases cortisol with the adrenaline.

A molecular model of the hormone Hydrocortisone or Cortisol

A molecular model of the hormone Hydrocortisone or Cortisol

Cortisol helps your body repair and renew by increasing sugar levels, blood pressure, growth hormones. Once the adrenaline is no longer needed and your body has recovered, your adrenal gland releases DHEA. This normalizes your body from the affects of the cortisol, enabling your body to function as usual.

As you can imagine, this is a complicated process that can only work if your adrenal gland is functioning properly. Normally, your body only needs adrenaline every now and then. This gives your adrenal gland plenty of time to repair itself from the strain of releasing adrenaline.

Sometimes, people demand too much of their adrenal gland. Many times, these are the people you consider “driven” or “perfectionists”. However, it can be people who are forced to be in stressful or exciting situations continuously.

In many cases, people have often worked past the point of exhaustion and ignored opportunities for relaxation. No matter the reason, these people’s bodies demand more adrenaline more often. This constant strain can lead to many health problems, including a condition called adrenal burn out.

Adrenal burnout is one of the worst extreme tiredness causes because it leaves your body without the ability to make energy. Not only will you not have adrenaline when you need it, but you will not be able to convert your food to energy in order to perform normal body functions.

In addition to a total lack of energy, adrenal burnout can cause depression, body aches, excessive thirst, and heart problems.

Furthermore, the long term need for adrenalin that led to the adrenal burn out causes large quantities of cortisol to be released into your system without DHEA to counteract it. This can cause weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health problems that can lead to further fatigue.

Adrenal burnout is a very critical concern and can be what causes tiredness to be very extreme and possibly dangerous.


Feeling tiredness after eating can be very common when you do not eat the right kind of food. Eating too many carbohydrates, more than 15 total grams, in your meal can make you feel lethargic for several hours.

Not eating enough protein does not give your body the energy boost it needs to feel awake and alert. Sugary foods can spike your energy followed by a quick and severe crash.

Sometimes it may even be your eating habits that make you feel tired after your meal. If you eat very large portions, it can be difficult for your body to digest it all. This naturally slows down the digestive process and you are not able to receive energy from food as quickly as normal.

If you skip meals or eat starved portions, it can cause your body to begin storing energy. In this case, your body will not release the energy you need to feel awake.

People with good diet habits will typically only feel this tiredness on the rare occasion that they eat a low quality meal. People who are very active, overly stressed, or always “on the go” tend to not eat right and have bad eating habits. Furthermore, they are more likely to do this for many months or even years at a time.

Unfortunately, when you consume a poor diet over a long period you starve your body of the nutrients it needs to function and this can cause chronic, extreme tiredness. A poor diet leads to malnutrition which can result in many severe medical conditions that will zap your energy.

A very common malnutrition based condition that causes severe tiredness is anemia. Put simply, anemia is a lack of iron in your blood which causes a reduction in red blood cells.

Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells carry oxygen and the other vital nutrients your body needs to thrive.

When you have a low red blood cell count and not enough oxygen in your blood, your body is not able to distribute energy and nutrients appropriately.

The energy you need to stay alert is simply not available.

Your muscles will become weaker and weaker, increasing the feeling of fatigue.

A major problem with anemia is that your heart compensates for the lack of red blood cells by increasing output. Your heart must work harder and this can lead to heart failure and other organ problems.

Malnutrition leads to other serious problems that are concerning tiredness causes. People with poor diets are more prone to diabetes. When the blood sugar does not remain constant it can dip and give you that “crashed” feeling.

Diabetics often complain of feeling constantly lethargic, especially when they are not eating right. Malnutrition also deprives your body of vital nutrients needed to keep your organs functioning properly.

For example, when you do not get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet it can cause your thyroid function to become sluggish, resulting in a state of hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism can cause severe tiredness that is very difficult to overcome without correcting the thyroid function. There are many other medical conditions which cause extreme tiredness and are the result of malnutrition.

The best way to make sure your tiredness is not caused by malnutrition is to begin regularly eating well balanced meals every day.


As stated in the beginning of this article, tiredness can be caused by very simple things like a lack of adequate sleep. It can be caused by your daily lifestyle, such as not relaxing enough or not getting enough time outside.

In these situations, you can typically study your lifestyle and identify the cause of your fatigue. However, if you have addressed these issues and you are still feeling extremely tired then it may be time to examine your health.

End Tiredness ProgramThe e-book End Tiredness Program can help you understand more about the many things that cause severe fatigue and how to overcome them. It will help you identify issues you may have with sleeping and lifestyle that are tiredness causes.

More importantly, the End Tiredness Program will teach you techniques and give you advice on improving your overall health to overcome extreme tiredness. You will learn relaxation, organization, and anti stress techniques to help prevent adrenal burnout. You will also learn eating and nutrition tips to help prevent malnutrition related fatigue.

This kind of severe tiredness can very easily be a symptom of a deeper, more troubling health problem. These health problems can cause greater complications as they progress and can even be fatal.

Your excessive fatigue may be your body’s way of sending you a warning that you are in peril. If you want to start feeling alert and wakeful, it is time to make sure your body is as healthy as possible.

Related posts:

  1. End Tiredness Program Review
  2. Tips To Feel Younger By Overcoming Excessive Tiredness
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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Stokley Riffle December 6, 2010 at 2:27 pm

I am 21 year old from Kentucky. Also I am gentleman and can’t handle tiredness can be problem when I eating cause me sleeping and awake 4 hours later and it limited my sleep time seem not fair and 2 hour later again sleeping and I don’t understand also medications never works. It hurt my eyes forced me going sleep and stressing a lot. I don’t know what to doing next. I still concern about my health issues and I not overweight just normal weight.

bill chandler December 19, 2010 at 3:23 am

I feed with a PEG tube taking six bottles of Fortisip multi-fibre per day. Following mouth surgery 4 years ago (cancer) and subsequent radiation my swallow has got worse. I cough up a large amount of phlegm each day.
I wake three or four times each night but get back to sleep quite quickly after coughing.
I get very tired during the day and have fallen asleep whilst feeding. Any answers?

Jacob January 7, 2011 at 8:37 pm

I am 23 will turn24 on the 8th I am 69 inches and 145lbs . I sleep about 8-9 hours a night but I fill as if I only got an hour of sleep and I all way had very bad back pain where is all my energy going and how do I get it back I also take one a day for men as well.

lynn hemmens January 13, 2011 at 5:09 pm

i am in a constant state of tiredness,what can i do?

sharon January 22, 2011 at 8:26 pm

hi after sleeping all night i dont feel like i have slept cause i wake up tired and feel that way all day long

Thabile February 22, 2011 at 8:29 pm

Im 24yrs and im always tired, when my body is tired i cnt even thnk properly . Please help! It gettng worse everday

Livie February 28, 2011 at 1:12 am

Hey, I’m a 16 yr old early college high school student and I barley ever getting a full 8-9 hr night of sleep especially with finals in the next 3 months. I’m lucky if I’m able to go to bed before 10:30 but get up not even 5 hrs after that, which has ultimately caused major sleep deprivation for me. I’m not fully awake at times in school which is hurting me, however if I do go bed early I still feel horrible in the morning. Can anybody help me?

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