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Mountain Herb For Mental And Physical Fatigue

Rhodiola Rosea

No one really knows why if you’re searching for a herb for fatigue, you’d have to exert some energy and go up to the mountains to find this one.

It’s official name is Rhodiola rosea.

You can find it in the Alps. In the mountains of Great Britain and Ireland.

In the Rocky Mountains in America. In Central Asia and Europe. And in Scandinavia and Iceland.

Everywhere you go you’ll find the same plant with yellow flowers in mountains up to an elevation of 2280 meters. The plant is also called Golden Root.

An Herb For Fatigue May Be An Adaptogen

Blood Sugar LevelRhodiola rosea is one of a number of plant adaptogens that helps the body adapt in situations where the best action is to normalize body functions.

For example, if the blood sugar is a wee bit too high, an adaptogen could help bring the blood sugar back into the normal zone temporarily.

If the blood pressure is a wee bit too low, an adaptogen could help bring the pressure up and normalize it temporarily.

If the body is too cold – as it might be in Iceland, Scandinavia, or other mountain climates, it’s good to know that there’s an herb for fatigue that will also help you warm up. That’s how an adaptogen acts.

Generally speaking, an adaptogenic herb is an herb for fatigue. For example, Siberian ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Brazilian ginseng – and other ginsengs of other countries are always known as an herbs for fatigue.

Medicinal Constituents Of Golden Root

Rhodiola Rosea RootBut today’s women and men want to know more than just that Rhodiola rosea is just an adaptogen. They want to know the medicinal constituents inside the plant that do something specifically for fatigue and tiredness.

Some of the other medicinal constituents inside this herb for fatigue include:

1. Rosaridin

This inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B.

When this enzyme is inhibited it’s possible that issues such as depression may improve. And everyone knows that when someone is depressed, you can always expect tiredness and fatigue.

One clinical trial showed significant improvement for those with depression with a few capsules a day.

2. Rhodioloside, Rosin, And Rosarin

A polyphenol not yet connected with the prevention of disease or health benefit. However, many polyphenols are linked to reducing effects of free radicals and only time will tell us what these do.

3. Proanthocyanidins

This is a strong antioxidant found to be 50 times more effective than vitamin C. When you can quench free radicals you can expect at least a little bit more energy. This explains part of the anti-fatigue effect.

4. Quercetin And Kaempferol Ingredients

These can have positive effects on the immune system.

Let’s Do A Review Study, Say Modern Day Scientists

Doctor ShrugBut as always, don’t expect scientists to agree with you that Rhodiola rosea is an herb for fatigue.

In one review study in May 2012, scientists wanted to give their verdict on this herb that many cultures have used for thousands of years.

This is the latest trend in medical science. Since there are thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of studies on almost any known medical topic, university scientists think that someone should evaluate all of them on a topic.

They felt the need to act as the ultimate say-so and tell everyone that what the peoples of all these mountainous cultures were doing for thousands of years was either right or wrong.

I don’t know about you, but to me this seems quite a bit haughty with a big dose of pride. If a culture found an herb beneficial over the years, they would keep using it.

On the other hand, if they didn’t find an herb beneficial over time, they would stop using it.

It’s really a simple process.

Research DiscoveryWhat The Researchers Discovered About The Herb For Fatigue

They found 206 research studies in the medical literature on this herb for fatigue.

Right there you know that if the herb was studied 206 times, the herb had quite a bit of value to the different cultures.

The scientists decided that most of these 206 articles didn’t meet their high standards. They discounted 195 of them.

Of the remaining 11 trials, two used healthy individuals and gave them the herb to see what would happen. The volunteers felt an improvement in physical fatigue.

Three other studies showed the herb effective for mental fatigue. But of course the haughty scientists warn that all these studies are biased.

After all, all the thousands of people who used this herb for fatigue over the centuries were living in a dreamland, you know?

You can read more about the scientists’ bias and their conclusions in the journal BMC Complement Altern Med, May 29, 2012.

End Tiredness ProgramIf you’ve been searching for a solution for tiredness, you might want to check out the End Tiredness Program.

It’s a guide put together to increase your energy day by day.

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